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.They should be allowed to assist only at theMass of the Catechumens.They desired also that people should attendservices in their own parish churches and cathedrals282.Deliberations of the Fathers concerning remediesFrom this long list of abuses, the prelates drew up a Compendium abusuumcirca sacrificium miss283.The most salient point of this new document is thefirst paragraph that calls for a reform of the Roman Missal in order to assurethe uniformity of the eucharistic celebration.All that was abusive was to beabolished.The rest was to be continued and propagated by all priests, regularand secular284, The rest of the Compendium draws up the previously279Cf.Lodi, Enchiridion Euchologicum Fontium Liturgicorum, Rome 1979, pp 1712-1717.Thesepages contain two parody-mass rites, in barbaric Latin: the Missa contra Hussitas and the Missapotatorum et lusorum.The collect of the latter reads: Potemus.Deus qui tres quadratos deciossexaginta tribus oculis remunerasti presta quesumus ut omnes qui vestimentorum suorum ponderegravantur ipsorum deciorum iactatione denudentur.Per doleum nostrum avumque Bachum, qui tecumbibit et cartat per omnia pocula pocolorum.Stramen.280CT VIII, 920,28 - 921,16.281Cf.L.Bouyer, Liturgy and architecture, Notre Dame 1967, p 80.It can be pertinently asked ifactive participation in the Mass would not be facilitated by allowing people a certain freedom,as is found in Oriental churches.Even in the west, pews or seating arrangements for thefaithful were not known until after the seventeenth century, as is still the case in somesouthern Italian churches.282CT VIII, 921, 17-35.283CT VIII, 921,40 - 924,9.284CT VIII, 921, 40-46: Ut sancta Dei ecclesia, quoad fieri potest, unius labii sit, utque uniformitascelebrandi missas inter eos servetur, qui instituto et ritu S.R.E.celebrant, abusque, qui hominumincuria et superstitione fortasse in venerandum miss sacrificium irrepsere, tollantur: missaliasecundum usum et veteram consuetudinem S.R.E.reformentur, omnibus iis, qu clanculumirrepserunt, repurgatis, ut omni ex parte eadem Pura, nitida et integra proponantur, quibus de cetero68mentioned abuses in a more concise form, but no longer in the form ofobservations, but of proposals for reform.On the l0th September 1562, nine canons on abuses in the Mass weresubmitted to the Fathers for examination285, The first one of these proposes toabolish profani lucri et sordida cupiditas and to root out fraudulent practices inregard to stipends286.The second calls for an end to miss sicc287.Canon 3desired that priests should celebrate no more than one Mass a day, unlesspastoral need necessitated it, on pain of suspension288.The fourth called for arestricted use of Votive Masses, and that these were not to be celebrated onSundays and Feast Days289.The fifth concerns the Mass of the Dead and theright occasions for its celebration290, Canon 6 expresses a desire, out of respectfor the Holy Mysteries, to abolish the celebration of Mass anywhere but in aconsecrated building.In cases of necessity, priests would have to consult theirOrdinary291, Canons 7 and 8 concern the care of liturgical material and theway of saying and singing the Mass292, The final canon (9) recommends theexclusion from churches of the excommunicated and public sinners293.The Fathers discussed these canons, and the drafts were shortened.Theminutes of these discussions294 are lengthy and meticulous, and it is out of ourcelebrantes omnes uti teneantur, tam regulares quam seculares, salvis tamen consuetudinibus legitimiset non abusivibus regnorum.285CT VIII, 926,25 - 928,5.286CT VIII, 926, 25-32.287CT VIII, 926, 33-39; cf.Jungmann, op.cit., I, p 385.The term missa sicca was originallyderived from a form of rite customary for the Communion of the sick.The priest read thefore-mass in the sick-room and proceeded to the Pater noster, having skipped the Canon, andgave communion under the form of bread.Hence the dry mass was so-called, for it involvedthe use of no liquid.The nearest equivalent to this celebration allowed in the TridentineMissal is the ancient Mass of the Presanctified on Good Friday, when no Mass is celebrated, orthe Blessing of Palms on Palm Sunday.The missa sicca was a commemorative rite, used insuch places where a real Mass would not be prudent, for example on a ship at sea.However,the dry mass became a devotion whose use had become abusive, hence the need for itsabolition.288CT VIII 926,40 - 927,3.289CT VIII 927, 4-8.290CT VIII 927, 9-14.291CT VIII 927, 15-22.292CT VIII 927, 23-46.293CT VIII 928, 1-5.294CT VIII 928,6 - 942,50.69scope to elaborate on them.The Decretum de observandis et evitandis incelebratione miss295 was passed on the l7th September 1562.This was the finalresult of the Commission s work.Most of the text is merely a resume; it had tobe in order that all the Council Fathers be in agreement
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