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.Zakti as Prakr# ti, subject to the influence of the Kañcukas,develops on the dis-equilibrium of Her Gunas from Her-#self, as Virkr# tis, the impure Tattvas (AÅ›uddha-Tattva)extending to Pr# thivi.At this point conscious vital energymaterialises, forming, what has been called by the authorcited the crust of the vital molecule of all forms of solidmatter.Subjectively therefore the My process is theestablishment of a dichotomy of subject and object in whatwould otherwise be an unitary experience; and objectivelyit is the creation of the various psychical and physical formsinto which the Universal Substance projects; becomingin the course of such emanation more and more gross.Bindu as the Mantra designation of *Å›vara-Tattva is Ghani-bhkta; that is, the first Ghanvasth aspect of Zakti be-coming (through My) Prakr# ti-Tattva and its evoluteswhich are more and more gross (Sthkla); until passing thefirst four states of decreasing subtlety of matter, Substanceemerges as the solid atoms of matter of which the physicaluniverse is composed.These compounds being the subjectof the senses are the materials of physical science whichseeks to work the process backwards.At a point, searchon the path of objectivity is closed.If it would knowmore, the mind must turn in on itself and release itselffrom all objectivity which My is and fall back intothat ground of Consciousness (Mytita) whence it hasMY-TATTVA 145emerged.From the Mantra aspect dealing with the originof language the undifferentiated Zabda which arises on the#differentiation of the Bindu into Purusa-Prakr# ti or Hamsa#develops, with the creation of mind and matter, into themanifested Zabda and Artha which are the Varnas or letters#(springing from the subtle Mtr# ks) expressed in Vaikhar%2Å‚speech made up of letters (Varna) syllables (Pada) and#sentences (Vkya or the uttered Mantra).Mantra againis the thought (Man) which saves (Tr, Trayate): Savesfrom what? From firstly the evil which man, subject toMy, commits; and then, by the thorough purification ofthe mind (Citta-Å›uddhi), from My Herself who is trans-formed in the Sdhaka into Vidy-Zakti.Mantra is thushere a pure thought-form; a pure Vr# tti or modification ofthe Antahkarana which is Devat.The senses and mind#are also Devats being operations of the one Divine Zakti.Through Mantra the mind is divinely transformed.Con-templating, filled by, and identified with, Divinity inMantra form, which is a Sthkla (gross) aspect of Dev%2Å‚, itpasses into Her subtle (Skksma) Light form (Jyotirmay%2Å‚#Dev%2Å‚) which is the Consciousness beyond the world ofMyik forms; the *Å›vara and *Å›var%2Å‚ who as Zabda-brahman are the source of, and appear as, that My whichis the Creatrix both of the objective world of Mind andMatter and of the manifested Zabda and Artha; theWord and its Meaning derived from the Mother in Heraspect as Supreme Nda (Para-nda) and Supreme Speech(Par-vk).CHAPTER XVTHE KAÑCUKASTHE six Kañcukas including My which may be regardedas the root of the other five are Kla, Niyat%2Å‚, Rga, Vidya,Kal.The term Kañcuka means sheath or envelope.The#same Tattvas are also called #contractions (Samkoca), forcreation is the contracted (Samkucadrkp) form of infiniteZakti.It is to be observed that My, Niyati and Kla,occupty in the philosophy of the Pñcartra-gama thevery place which is held in the Ziva-Zkta systems by theKañcukas (See as to this Dr.Otto Scharder s Ahirbudhyna-Samhit 63, 64, 90).The author cited opines that the sixKañcukas are only an elaboration of the older doctrine of#the three powers of limitation (Samkoca) of the Pñca-rtra which are My, Kla, Niyata
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