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.SPresident WilliamTMcKinley (1897 1901)tried to avoid conflict withSpain and offered to medi-ate an end to the fighting.However, Cuban sympa-thizers stole a private letterfrom the Spanish ambassa-dor to the United Statesand had it published; theletter mocked PresidentMcKinley.On the nightof February 15, 1898, theA detail of an 1898 painting by W.G.Road shows anenthusiastic Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt lead-American battleship Maine,ing the charge of the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill inwhich had been sent toCuba during the Spanish-American War (1898).RooseveltHavana harbor to protectcalled the conflict, which lasted 100 days, a splendidthe nation s interests, little war.84 Spanish-American War (1898)*'THE PHILIPPINES wounded during the battle.Once theThe resulting Spanish-American War U.S.land forces were ashore on Luzonlasted only 100 days.Events moved island in the Philippines, they be-quickly.Commodore George Dewey, sieged the capital, Manila, which sur-commanding the U.S.Navy s Asiatic rendered on August 13.Squadron, left Hong Kong andsteamed to attack the Spanish fleet MILITARY OPERATIONS INin the Philippine Islands.Dewey s THE CARIBBEANseven ships entered Manila Bay on The main theater of operations forMay 1 and destroyed all seven Span- the United States was in the Carib-ish ships, losing only nine men bean.A Spanish naval squadron underTheodore Roosevelt (1858 1919)As the nation s 26th president (1901 the defenses of Santiago, Cuba, on1909), Theodore Roosevelt was a major July 1, 1898.figure in the Progressive movement.As a war hero, Roosevelt easily wonRoosevelt was born in 1858, the son of the governorship of New York, thena wealthy merchant banker.Home- became President McKinley s runningschooled as a youth, Roosevelt was mate in the 1900 election.Afteroften sickly and suffered from asthma.McKinley was assassinated in 1901,Through hard and repeated exercise, Roosevelt became the nation s young-however, he overcame his physical est president at age 42.He won reelec-handicaps, graduated from Harvard, tion in 1904.and decided on a political career.In international relations, RooseveltFrom 1882 to 1897, Roosevelt served preached the old African proverbin the New York state legislature, as a Speak softly and carry a big stick,Civil Service commissioner and as New and you will go far. The presidentYork City police commissioner.In 1897, mediated an end to the Russo-President William McKinley (1897 Japanese War (1904 1905) and re-1901) appointed Roosevelt assistant ceived a Nobel Peace Prize for hissecretary of the navy.Roosevelt efforts.He backed a Panamanian re-worked to make sure that the small volt against Colombia so that theU.S.Navy was ready for war.When the United States could acquire the rightSpanish-American War began in April to build a canal across the isthmus of1898, Roosevelt resigned to become Panama.At home, Roosevelt createdsecond in command of the 1st United the National Park Service, foughtStates Volunteer Cavalry, better against corporate greed, and regu-known as the Rough Riders.Teddy lated railroad rates.Roosevelt s presi-Roosevelt led his men in the attack on dency ushered the United States intoSpanish positions atop Kettle Hill, in the twentieth century.Spanish-American War (1898) 85*'the command of Admiral Pasqual Cer- The Rough Riders featured promi-vera left Spain and headed for Cuba.nently in the successful attack onCervera s ships evaded American war- Kettle Hill, as did the African Ameri-ships and steamed into Santiago har- can 10th U.S.Cavalry.bor on May 18.Worried that Cervera s However, the American occupa-ships might leave harbor and attack tion of part of the city s defensescities along the East Coast of the meant that Cervera s ships were en-United States, the War Department dangered if the Americans continueddecided that an American land force to edge closer to the harbor.So, onmust capture Santiago to destroy the July 3, Admiral Cervera tried to fleeSpanish ships.the harbor.By the time the naval bat-The army s Fifth Corps, under the tle was over, every Spanish ship hadcommand of General William R.been sunk or beached and set afire.Shafter, was assigned the task of cap- Santiago surrendered on July 17.turing Santiago.Shafter s command As American and Spanish authori-was composed primarily of Regular ties began to discuss peace terms,Army units reinforced by a few vol- American troops landed on the southunteer units.The most prominent of coast of Puerto Rico and began to ad-the volunteer units was the 1st U.S.vance toward the island s capital, SanVolunteer Cavalry, better known as Juan, skirmishing with Spanishthe Rough Riders.Its colonel was troops.Much of the island was underLeonard Wood, White House physi- American control when an armisticecian to the president; second in com- was announced on August 13
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