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., is inability to evaluate differences in time, of any mental or spiritual action, VI-312location, form, composition or importance, by-passed flows can cause illness, VII-212III-393 can cause insanity, 1420(A=A=A), most easily present when time sense is caused by recognizable bacteria and injury inawry, V-330 accident are best treated by physical means,affinity is never identification, I-98 II-153ARC as complete identification, 1486 cause of illness, VIII-209; X-216association leads to, IV-I 19 childhood illness, 146basis of all mental upsets, IV-I 19 chronic ~, suspected, send pc to medico, 1421differentiation and, I-244; II-272 cure before engram running, 1420413 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1950/1975ill(ness) (cont.) ill(ness) (cont.)cures tend to become a new illness, IV-103 pcs require light auditing, VI-249, 421; VIII-238cycle, pc beginning to go through, VI-372 pcs should not be run on PTS RD as a standarddeserve to be handled with thorough and com- practice, VII-453; VIII-331, 339plete assists, VIII-189 pcs with high TAs feel ill and get ill, VII-124don t force a pc who is ill, VI-249 pc, what to run, III-468, 497Effort Processing, to handle serious illness, II-331 people are PTS to someone or a group or someexchange, ~ can result from ~ut exchange, VIII- thing somewhere, IX-136, 13779 people who are ill are PTS and are out-ethicsflows, illness can come from by-passed flows, toward person or thing they are PTS to, VIII VIII-286, 287, 380, 381 101formula for creating, III-147 person becomes ill if prevented from outflowing,handling of illness or sickness, VI-319, 435; VII- III-14689 person doesn t get sick or injured unless he s casthandling of physically ill pcs, VI-347, 421, 429 himself in role of victim by reason of the gamehealing, two sides to, spiritual and structural or and his overt acts, III-520physical, VIII-189, 191 person goes into overwhelm easily, VII-89high TA and, X-58 person who doesn t produce becomes mentally or insanity is most often suppressed agony of physicallyill, VIII-80actual physical illness and injury, VI-318, 411 person who is chronically ill always is PTS, VIII is acomposite, VI-319, 329, 378, 415 19is a result of engram chains in restimulation, VI- physical ailments can resist spiritual improvement,435 VIII-205it takes more than one chain of engrams to make a physical facts of injuries, ~ and stresses, VIII-190body ill, VI-416 physical illness caused by the mind, II-431loss, person who has just experienced a loss may physical ~, cure before engram running, 1420become ill, VIII-237 physically ill person is a mentally ill person, 1420mentalvs.physical, VI-312, 415 predisposition, precipitation and prolongation ofmultiple illness means pc is physically uncom- illness, VIII-189, 210fortable or ill from several engrams of different process with Commlmication Processes if illness istypes all restimulated, VI-342 in the way of session, III-505must be reported to C/S before new session, VII- programming errors and delay in repair can cause191 pc illness, VII-61or misemotional before session beginning, han- prolonged, can cause chronic low tone, anxiety,dling of, V-101 insecurity, 1420overts or M/W/Hs which don t read on ill pc psychosomatic illness, Dianetic auditor can handlethough pc is nattering are not available to be the bulk of, VI-326run right then, VI-249 psychosomatic ills, cause of, VI-340pc doesn t get gains, check for physical injury or PTS = illness, VI-165illness, VI-315, 316 PTS results in illness and roller-coaster and is thepc F/Ns at Exam, then reports sick, reason for, cause of illness and roller-coaster, VIII-91, 92VII-218 Q and A and illness, VIII-224, 225, 232pc gets ill after auditing but sessions look alright, release of, I-24how to handle, VI-430 researches as a dissemination method, II-351, 353pc has felt massy, sometimes even ill, cause of and  running out after session, VI-371handling, VII-213 run out narrative R3R, VII-339; X-168pc ill before next session needs a new C/S, X-94 S&D, a bad S&D can make a person sick, VI-165,pc illness during grade auditing, VIII-192 208pc is ill because he is restraining himself from Scientology places a person above any furtherdoing wrong, IV-69 illness or suffering, but he has to be made wellpc is often ill because his ruds in life are out, first, VI-349VII-364 sessions which are left unrepaired for more thanpc needs Dianetics, not Scientology, VI-328 339, 24 hours occasionally find pc physically ill,341 VII-139pc not-ising reality, II-208 sickly and feeble cases, X-87pcs becoming ill, cause of, X-16 sickness is absence of control, II-213pcsdon talwaysknowthey reill, VI-316 sick pc, an indicator of wild program, C/S andpcs get a medical examination, VI-313, 315, 411 auditing error, X-1 13pcs hiding general illness may show up as no case sick pcs, a lot of things to do for, X-39gain, VII-191 sick person is PTS, X-222414 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1950/1975ill(ness) (cont.) incident(s) (cont.)silence in presence of, I-II-4 defn.(cont [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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