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.The effect of this trick is 7 cards to be 3 cards andthe others appear in spectator hand.And you get just 3 selection cards.Chosencard1.Spectator askedTransfered to right handto select 3 cards.2.Put the chosen card3.This is what happen under theon the middle and trans- hand.The chosen card pull to thefered to right hand.right hand and the deck back to theleft.Then the chosen card controlledto the bottom.5.Show 4 pair card4.Use double cut technique orthat different with theother technique to cut the deck6.Secretly the left pinkiechosen cards.Don twithout changing the position.break the 3 selection cardlet spectator see theThis just for fooling the spectator.that controlled to thechosen cards.bottom before.7.You take all/jog cardstogether (including 3selection cards).People8.Keep the break and allow the 4 card back to the deck.think you just take 4Then there is just 3 selection cards in your hand.cards.9.And put the deck on the table, spectator ask to keep that deck.Then you do this revolution count.You ll not get this detail explainationin the video format.Because Jay Sankey explain it too fast.Take one card Put back to the bottom10.At ðrst, you say to the spectator that in your card is 4 different cards.You startto take ðrst card then as you take the second card, back the one card to the bottomand start your next count.11.Secretly move top card little up then roll 2 cards beneath the top card.13.Back to the 14.Take the12.Take a 15.Back to thebottom.DOUBLE cards.SINGLE card.bottom.16.Take a DOUBLE 17.Roll the 2 card18.Back to the 19.Take acards.that in your rightbottom.SINGLE card.hand.20.Back to the 21.Take a SINGLE 22.Take the 23.Take the last one,bottom.card and back it to DOUBLE card.and you ask the spec-the bottom.tator to open the deck.Leaving HomeThe effect of this trick is key penetrating the string and back to the string again.Take The Key Off from The StringDuplicate keyThe key1.You hide the duplicate key inyour left hand.Then you show-ing to take the hanging key.2.Grab the key with your leftðrst ðnger and thumb.Grab the keywith the righthandGrab nothing Stolen key3.Pretend to pull the string.In that 5.The key stolen by right hand.moment your grab the key.The Key back in The StringAdvancing David Williams Striking Vanish1.Swing the string/rope up-down2.Before 3 action, throw the key to the rightin 3 times.hand.In same time throw the stolen key.FloaterUsually this trick done with ambitious card routine to add the effect.Rising Card1.Your pinkie touchthe card.2.And you just lift up the card.Floating The Deck1.Use double lift or any ambitious card routines.2.Rub your hand with your 3.Push your pinkie beneathðnger several times.the deck and lift it up.4.Put it down and move your5.Open the top card.pinkie back.The Hop SpreadIt s very lovely ðuorish, a lot of magician ask to Jay about this trick.They ll believe that you re sleight of hand artist.The Basic of The Hop SpreadYou bend the deck and shot it / ðre.The DepthThe bend is not verticalBut diagonal1.You bend the card with just one hand.2.Left ðnger little bit to the deck surface.3.Try to shot it.4.Grab like this tightly.Start to prop up4.Spread the card and the rightother ðnger start to prop up.5.Spread it perfect and smooth.Gianni Mattiolo Illogical ShufðeIt s very illogical shufðe.Jay Sankey advance it than the shufðeunchange the deck.1.Grab the deck.2.Cut about half of the 3.Cut about half again withdeck with your ðrst ðnger.your middle ðnger.4.Cut about half of the 5.Rotate the middle deck.6.Grab with left hand.bottom deck with thumb.7.Separate it from anoth- 8.Put one deck on under 9.And other deck on upperers deck.half deck.half deck.10.Grab the beneath and 11.Pull out both.12.Put on the top of deck.top deck.Flying Shuttle PassIt s look like throwing coin from hand to hand but all of it is cheat.Pretend to transfer it toright hand.Secret coinCoin Showed1.2.Coin still inleft handPalmingFlip other coin3.4.Palming the coin in right hand andpretend to throw it back to left hand.Actually you just ðip the coin.The coin still in here5.Flying Shuttle-Coin ProductionIt s look like throwing coin from hand to hand but all of it is cheat.The left thumb push theupper most coin1.You have one coin in right 2.Close your left hand.3.Pretend to throw it, palm-hand and three secret coin ing and ðip one secret coin.in left hand.4.The one coin still in right 5.This is what happen when 6.Put it on the table.hand.spectator see it.7.You push your left thumb 8.At the same time, you 9.And show it to the spec-on top secret coin.pretend to put something tator.Do this routine till allfrom the air.coin put on the table.
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