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.' Then Brynhildr was silent, and went home."After that she egged on Gunnarr and Högni to slay Sigurdr; but because they were Sigurdr's sworn blood-brothers, they stirred up Gotthormr their brother to slay him.He thrust his sword through Sigurdr as he slept; but when Sigurdr felt the wound, he hurled his sword Gramr after Gotthormr, so that it cut the man asunder at the middle.There fell Sigurdr and Sigmundr, his son of three winters, whom they slew.Then Brynhildr stabbed herself with a sword, and she was burned with Sigurdr; but Gunnarr and Högni took Fáfnir's heritage and Andvari's Yield, and ruled the lands thereafter."King Atli, Budli's son, and brother of Brynhildr, then wedded Gudrún, whom Sigurdr had had to wife; and they{p.157}had children.King Atli invited to him Gunnarr and Högni, and they came at his invitation.Yet before they departed from their land, they hid the gold, Fáfnir's heritage, in the Rhine, and that gold has never since been found.Now King Atli had a host in readiness, and fought with Gunnarr and Högni; and they were made captive.King Atli bade.the heart be cut out of Högni alive, and that was his end.Gunnarr he caused to be cast into a den of serpents.But a harp was brought secretly to Gunnarr, and he struck it with his toes, his hands being bound; he played the harp so that all the serpents fell asleep, saving only one adder, which glided over to him, and gnawed into the cartilage of his breast-bone so far that her head sank within the wound, and she clove to his liver till he died.Gunnarr and Högni were called Niflungs and Gjúkungs, for which reason gold is called Treasure, or Heritage, of the Niflungs.["A little while after, Gudrún slew her two sons, and caused flagons to be made of their skulls, set with gold and silver.Then the funeral-feast was held for the Niflungs; and at this feast Gudrún had mead poured into the flagons for King Atli, and the mead was mixed with the blood of the boys.Moreover, she caused their hearts to be roasted and set before the king, that he might eat of them.And when he had eaten, then she herself told him what she had done, with many scathing words.There was no lack of strong drink there, so that most of the company had fallen asleep where they sat.That night she went to the king while he slept, and Högni's son with her; they smote the king, and that was the death of him.Then they set fire to the hall, and burned the folk that were within.After that she went to the shore and leaped into the sea, desiring to make{p.158}an end of herself; but she was tossed by the billows over the firth, and was borne to King Jónakr's land.And when he saw her, he took her to him and wedded her, and they had three sons, called Sörli, Hamdir, and Erpr: they were all raven-black of hair, like Gunnarr and Högni and the other Niflungs.There Svanhildr, daughter of the youth Sigurdr, was reared, and of all women she was fairest.King Jörmunrekkr the Mighty learned of her beauty, and sent his son Randvér to woo her and bring her to be his wife.When Randvér had come to the court of Jónakr, Svanhildr was given into his hands, and he should have! brought her to King Jörmunrekkr.But Earl Bikki said that it was a better thing for Randvér to wed Svandhildr, since he and she were both young, whereas Jörmunrekkr was old.This counsel pleased the young folk well.Thereupon Bikki reported the matter to the king.Straightway, King Jörmunrekkr commanded that his son be seized and led to the gallows.Then Randvér took his hawk and plucked off ins feathers, and bade that it be sent so to his father; after which he was hanged.But when King Jörmunrekkr saw the hawk, suddenly it came home to him that even as the hawk was featherless and powerless to fly, so was his kingdom shorn of its might, since he was old and childless.Then King Jörmunrekkr, riding out of the wood where he had been hunting, beheld Svanhildr as she sat washing her hair: they rode upon her and trod her to death under their horses' feet."But when Gudrún learned of this, she urged on her sons to take vengeance for Svanhildr.When they were preparing for their journey, she gave them birnies and helmets so strong that iron could not bite into them.She laid these instructions upon them: that, when they were come to King Jörmunrekkr, they should go up to him by night as he slept:{p.159}Sörli and Hamdir should hew off his hands and feet, and Erpr his head.But when they were on their way, they asked Erpr what help they might expect from him, if they met King Jörmunrekkr.He answered that he would render them such aid as the hand affords the foot.They said that that help which the foot received from the hand was altogether nothing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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