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.Shutter of EVIL1 - Martyrs Vitale and Agricola (the slaves are equal to theslave master)2 - A hawk holds a dove in its claws3 - St.Andrew martyred on the cross as St.Peter4 - Slavery in humanity5 - The religious and political martyrs (torture and repression)6 - Abel killed his brother, Cain.7 - The Bad Thief Gesta dies unrepentant to the left of JesusShutter of GOOD8 - St.Augustine with the sermon eradicates heresy9 - A pair of doves nesting10 - John baptizes a hermit11 - An African cardinal gives the Eucharist to a soldier12 - The Second Vatican Council.Four Council Fathersbetween John XXIII and Paul VI13 - The Raising of Lazarus14 - Archangel Raphael accompanies Tobias.310This is the second tile No.12 of bronze door , which replaced the first , represent-ing the five-pointed star on the back of the left hand of Paul VI.Right: Magnificationof the figure of Paul VI,with the five-pointed star(which we highlighted in red)on the back of his left hand,as it appeared in the first tile.him to bless it on the date of hisbirthday, as it was also published,later, on a Special Insert of the Osservatore Romano , for hiseightieth birthday1, and precise-ly with that satanic mark on hishand, a signature , as it were and not a common one of hisPontificate.1Special Insert of the OsservatoreRomano , Sunday, September 25,1977, p.XI.311Special insert L Osservatore Romano, Sunday, September 25, 1977, p.XI.312 FIVE POINTED STAR : of the Church, adopting ecumeni- SIGNATURE OF PAUL VI s cal and liberal stances towardPONTIFICATE Freemasonry up to the point of look-ing forward to a peace between theThis statement is disquieting, as this two institutions. signature of the five-pointed- In order to shed some light upon thisStar , sculpted on the back of Paul odd aspect of Paul VI s personality,VI s hand, on the original panel of we list a few of the many facts andSt.Peter s Basilica s bronze door , remarks relating to his person2:is perhaps the most disconcerting andreckless act of a tremendous reality 1) A Masonic magazine reads: «Thethat, throughout his Pontificate, kept Grand Master Gamberini, on thecoming to the surface, to then give very day of the announcement of Mon-shape to a mosaic that lay bare Paul tini s election to the Pontificate, said:VI s incredible and unspeakable ap- Here is our man! »proach toward Freemasonry.And that, he did following 250 years 2) The obituary , or funeral ora-of renewed excommunications , tion, the former Grand Master of admonishments , punishments , Palazzo Giustiniani, Giordano Gam-and after about 200 documents of berini, made of Paul VI on the Riv-the Magisterium of the Church against ista Massonica Magazine3: «To us Freemasonry, and after 16 Encyclicals it is read - it is the death of HE whoand over 590 convictions against made the condemnation of Clementthat sect, branded as Kingdom of Sa- XII and of his successors fall.Thattan by Leo XIII in his 1884 Encycli- is, it is the first time in the historycal Humanum Genus.of modern Freemasonry that theImmediately after the publication of Head of the greatest Western reli-that Encyclical, the high initiate Tom- gion dies not in a state of hostilitymaso Ventura, having recognized with the Freemasons».And he con- Humanum Genus as the most cel- cludes: «For the first time in history,ebrated solemn anti-Masonic docu- the Freemasons can pay respect toment , wrote, «Pope Leo XIII was the tomb of a Pope, without ambigu-right on the point; he perceived what ities or contradiction»4.Freemasonry was; he uncovered itsprecise physiognomy; he lay bare its 3) In a private letter, written by aaspirations in unequivocal terms»1
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