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.Are the hoses drained before disconnecting?2.Are the Bunker system valves closed?3.Are the hoses blank flanged or otherwise sealed before being removed?4.Are the bunker system connections blank flanged as soon as hoses are disconnected?5.Are the fuel line and tank filling valves securely closed?6.Have final soundings of fuel oil tanks been taken? Has ample space been left for expansion?THIS FORM IS TO BE FILLED IN FOR EVERY BUNKERING AND MAJOR TRANSFER BOTH FUELS AND LUBRICANTS (IF SUPPLIED BULK)*SEALED SAMPLES MUST BE KEPT ON-BOARD FOR THREE MONTHS*ORIGINAL COMPLETED FORM ARE TO BE SENT TO HEAD OFFICE IMMEDIATELY AFTER B & BT OPERATION.COPY TO BE KEPT ON-BOARD, ATTACHED WITH BOTH PRIOR AND AFTER OPERATIONS SOUNDING STATEMENT.OFFICER IN CHARGE: CH.ENGINEER: MASTER:______________RECEIVED: DATE: DEPARTMENT: _________________________CHECKED: SUP.ENG: SUP.CAPTAIN: SAFETY OFF:___________ATLANTIC UNITED MARINE INC.FORM / 4401Safety Management System Manual - IMO Res.A.741 (18)Developed by: SMS Designated PersonAuthorised by: Managing DirectorDate of Initial Issue: 03 February 1998Revision No / Effective Date: 3 / 07-99Chapter: 8Page: 2 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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