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.However, they are very rare!Note: Be patient.This helmet might drop on your second BS fighter kill, butit might be months of destroying Black Sun forces without getting one.You re notdoing anything wrong as there are no special tricks to it, all you need is patience.6.1.3.Loot - what and where?You ll find out that most of the sought after loot will drop from your Tier 4 missiontargets without much problems, and you ll rarely need to go anywhere else for all your lootneeds.Kessel is another good place for high-end loot drops, but it is completely possibleto never go there and still get enough decent and great pieces of equipment to assemblea very good ship.- 64 -Star Wars Galaxies Jump to Lightspeed GuideSlicing components: As an example of ground loot available in space, there arethe Smuggler slicing components, dropped both on the ground and as space loot drops,consisting of: Simple toolkits, Illegal core boosters, Armor upgrade pieces, Reactive microplatings etc. these, for example, drop from all kinds of Tier 4 and 5 ships, including theBlack Sun fighters.6.2.Gaining faction points in space You serve your master well.And you will be rewarded.6.2.1.IntroductionThe factional system in JTL is different than the one in the SWG ground game.There is no change to factional standings with minor factions like Valarian, Meatlump,CorSec, Jabba etc.no matter what you do or how many of their ships you destroy likethere is when you kill their NPCs on the ground.These factional standings won t changeeven if you go overt in space.The same applies to GCW factions Imperial or Rebel, unless you are overt (opento PvP attacks).To gain faction points for your kills, you ll have to declare yourself as anovert member of your faction at one of the space stations in various space sectors theseare available in your zone map/POI list and are called something along the lines of Imperial Space Station , Rebel Space Station etc.You will remain overt in space untilyou land or die in space, and the covert status will return the next time you take off soyou ll have to declare again in order to gain faction points.There is no need to be declaredon the ground you can be a Combatant or On Leave and you ll still be able to go overt inspace without any problems.Tip: An Entertainer inspiration buff will also affect your faction point gain be sure to use it at all times when faction grinding !6.2.2.FreelancersEven though Freelance Pilots can declare as overt in normal factional spacestations if they belong to a ground GCW faction, there is absolutely no way for them togain faction points in Deep Space.Unfortunately, the Freelance space station won ttransport them to Deep Space if overt, it will only work if not declared as an Imperial orRebel supporter.The factional space station, on the other hand, won t be able to transportthem to Deep Space because they can t get any Imperial or Rebel prestige points tospend on entering it.- 65 -Star Wars Galaxies Jump to Lightspeed GuideThey can gain faction points anywhere else, though, which can be even better attimes the PvP players are rarely in space sectors other than Deep Space or Kessel andit s likely they won t bother you outside those two zones.6.2.3.Where to grind FP?As you have to be overt to gain faction points, the best place to engage in such anactivity is, simply, out of sight.The most effective places are, of course, a bit higher-profile they are Deep Space and Kessel, two zones with almost exclusively factional-basedtargets (in case of the former, exclusively!), which are also the two zones where PvPersare most likely to be found.Deep Space: Be advised that you won t be able to enter this zone before you re aMaster Pilot.Which is probably for the best as, in it, you can find formidable opponentslike Imperial Star Destroyers and multiple Rebel Corellian Corvettes.It is also patrolled byhundreds of Imperial and Rebel ships, and it can be a great way to gain a lot of factionpoints really quick if someone doesn t kill you in the process.Here s an approximation of faction point gains available for destroying some shiptypes in Deep Space:- Light fighters: about 40 FP- Fighters: between 45 and 50 FP- Fighters with turrets: 50-55 FP- Bombers: around 60 FP- MP ships: 80-100 FP- Gunboats: about 150-160 FP-To find out how to get to Deep Space or Kessel, check out 6.5.2 and 5.1.1.Kessel: This is a really good space sector for Tier 4 Pilots who haven t done theirMaster Pilot mission yet or, simply, for Freelance Pilots.It does seem to have more PvPactivity than Deep Space for some reason, however.Duty missions: They are, unfortunately, not a very good idea for faction point grinding as it is highly unlikely you ll find a Tier 4 duty missions with factional targets
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